Monday, March 30, 2020
The Pianist Review Essay Example
The Pianist Review Paper Essay on The Pianist Rather, it is simply the notes I wrote down during the reading of the novel The Piano Teacher Elfriede Jelinek. In that order in which they appear. impressions of the novel can be traced to him. And the dynamics The lady dominates the passengers as the embodiment of unenlightened majority that one property vested in excess -. Bellicose ardor. If necessary, it shlestnetsya with anyone This is the definition. Militant enthusiasm - could not be better characterize creativity itself Jelinek Embodied hatred of the people, embodied contempt We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As you can see in others only the sharply negative traits? Over the years, the daughter of a mother superior in skill to look down on people. Sublimation writer. And the wildest. buzzing past women customers. The owner assures the owner of soprano baritone that grapes today are quite moldy. Especially at the bottom of the plastic packaging. So she did not to take it, what with all his quavering voice informs the other, tumbling them a bunch of junk from the complaints and reproaches This is a characteristic of the whole Pianist :. Wholeheartedly quavering voice alerts other, tumbling them a bunch of junk from the complaints and reproaches à » Sarcasm image thoughts, actions and feelings of her character. It is very unevenly written. No, even style. And the action it is uniform. But the sense On the next pages are the sublime story of sonatas by Bach and description hideous family scenes between mother and daughter with a brawl and torn out hair If you have to let go of the novel all bytovuhu and broken, or more precisely -. Perverse psychology characters, leaving only the music and the description of Vienna, the novel would have made three times shorter and five times more enjoyable. On the other hand, if it were not Jelinek. And the Nobel Prize would have got someone else, even more broken And that would have won the world from such a reduction? hmmm I do not know, not sure. - The following is written after reading the novel. While reading The Piano Teacher fully understood and I realized a few things: 1) what postmodernism is full; 2) ambivalence in full until reading an opinion about what is happening and describes not only changed from scene to scene. In general, almost every scene was very ambivalent. But the vast majority have been described very clearly negative attitude. Good music only and work description. The writer wants to tap the brains of readers. And she did it reaches the The general impression -. Not like a novel. But understand clearly that Elfriede Jelinek exactly this effect and tried to achieve. Some might assume that it is not much, because I supposedly like snot and romantic love stories. Nothing like this. I love the serious things that make you think, to reflect, to realize, to feel But over history Pianist I do not want to speculate. If Jelinek story invented, I some times seem inaccurate psychologically incongruous. and if you described is really a true story, its just fu For example, I completely killed the episode where the guy (and hero thin feeling, a pianist, a lover and connoisseur of fine) once again denies his beloved, and he is exactly because of this park is in Vienna II . Ater with the aim to turn the head of flamingo I went here yesterday in our natural wonder a fabulous Askania Nova. Including and admiring flamingos. People spend a lot of time and effort to save the birds, so they were cool, comfortable give the world the beauty. Well, someone opposite responds to love failure. You may say, So its just written so that the reader wondered, horrified .. Has gone through mental cleansing, catharsis!. To this did not happen in reality. à » And Im sure that anyone who applies force and effort to create the world something good and beautiful, even their failure will be poured in the creation of new works. And thus soothe and cleanse your soul. And exactly this should be written in the books -. Show here this way, rather than killing flamingo If the purpose of the book to warn about the dark side in peoples souls, even those that appear to be ideal then on it is also a well-known saying: it is better to trust and to be cheated than not to trust (about) If the goal to smaller this happened in reality so, IMHO, this meant psychologists, psychotherapists. psychoanalysts and psychopathology. Instead of Literature In general, -. Negative and negative to say about the novel can be much more than a good and positive. Read in that case, if you want to think about the people badly and justify yourself for any negative actions and thoughts And one more note:. Frau Jelinek won the Nobel Prize for his work, in which the principal place is occupied by two the novel that I read Mistresses and The pianist. Conclusion: The need to change something, first of all, in the minds of the Nobel Committee, and secondly, as a whole in the literature . The Pianist Review Essay Example The Pianist Review Paper Essay on The Pianist Writers rebellion has spread to all sectors of the population: they write a lot, write whatever they write about everything. Indeed, who among us did not write anything and somehow? At least, as they say, for myself at the table. But Im not talking about women writers, tycoons and TV presenters. No, it is gnawed and insipid theme, moreover, it is self-deception to search the literature where it is not. Nobel laureates a different level. The human mind is full of prejudices and biases, tends to draw conclusions that if the work of art was awarded a major global awards, then it is a priori, a kind of standard of decent quality work. Winners are not judged, but the Nobel Prize in 2004, awarded by Elfriede Jelinek for the book The Pianist, has stirred up not only the intelligentsia: the stones in the writers creativity Address throw a lot. It is impossible to imagine that the books of this writer ever came into the school curriculum in literature! our deep moral admirers of classic l iterature snort and cringe. Of course, the book was controversial, the topic is very bold, but if the Nobel academics walked by her side, Im sure, malicious attacks on Jelineks work would have been much less, because a worker who has received such a high score, the demand is much greater, and interest in his person above . So now about the book. The plot it is simple: the intimate conservatory teacher of music, which is much over thirty, and her student. But psychological spirals and labyrinths of her relationship with her mother, mistress of the house and the life of Erica (the main character), with the music, which is not less than the mother sucked out of her juices nature, with men, with their inner world is very complex and confusing. Inner monologues show the thinking and continuous process samopoznavatelnom heroine. These passions fall upon the reader who starts to squirm and indignant, but a big mistake on his part would be to throw the book after reading the first 60 pages. After reading the book, you will make very different conclusions. Of course, that describes Jelinek, our whole human being rejects. We can not imagine that love has wrong side, disgusting and perverse. But realizing it, a person develops a harmonious picture of this feeling: everything in life, there are positive and negat ive sides. Dark, rough side of a love relationship between a man and a woman is shown Jelinek as the only existing reality of love. In the book, all couples are unhappy, there is no happy, no clearance. Life, routine, monotony kill interest and feelings for each other. The city in which he lives Erika, dirty and ugly a reflection of the life of its people, deafened by loud music, zombie TV, drowning in their own filth. Jelinek chooses bright, lively metaphor, describing the scene, the action itself and the main actors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The book has its own special rhythm, musical language, rising from the piano-narrative at the beginning of the book, he goes to the climactic fortissimo at the end . This is not an easy symphony of human life is not every artist under force, and a rare person to really hear her. To be honest, its frightening to speculate on the future of Erica As always, I want to believe the best, look on the bright sight, but given the overall mood of the book, the mood of the narrative Jelinek, her character is nothing more to expect from life, in addition to another tragedy.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge Essays
Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge Essays Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge Essay Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge Essay Intuition is the hunch to turn left at a crossroads when youre lost or the gut feeling that you should choose the third queue in the supermarket because you feel that its the best one. There are those who argue that intuition is in fact not a feeling and but a reasonable and logical choice that your subconscious makes for you. For example when a fireman is inside a burning building and has two seconds to decide if he should turn right or left. He thinks that its his intuition telling him to go left when it could be argued that his subconscious has made a logical calculation of his surroundings and decided that its safest to go left. It could also be argued that intuition is an instinct. If attacked by a bear, your intuition and instinct become the same; both telling you to get away as soon as possible. This is also a decision and action based on reason. Reason tells you that if you that the bear is bigger, more lethal than you and possibly dangerous and so logically it would be better if you left. But then again the fear that you experience when seeing a bear is an emotion and fear usually makes you want to get away. So is intuition based on reason or emotion? Intuition is used in the different areas of knowledge. For example mathematics is an area of knowledge where logic and reason are frequently used. Laws of physics and mathematics, like Newtons three laws and law of exponents, are generally accepted and believed to be true as they have yet to be disproved. They have complex formulas and equations as proof to back up the laws. As most of the worlds population is not very well trained and educated in mathematics and physics we believe in our authorities. In all the mathematicians and physicists who claim that these universally accepted laws are correct. Thus by calculating something we use faith (in our authorities) and the logic that we have been taught in math class to solve a mathematical/physical problem. Thus it would seem that there is no place for intuition in the area of mathematics and natural sciences (in this case physics). However, many of the students in Higher Level Mathematics claim that they often use intuition to help solve difficult problems. That they make a guess because it feels right and hope that it will lead to a correct answer. Sometimes this hunch works, most often not. But a wrong answer is not a necessary failure. You always need to start somewhere and thats where intuition helps. It becomes the hypothesis and if incorrect you learn that this was not the way to solve the problem. Now you have one choice less and are one step closer to the correct answer. Some might say that as mathematics is seen as an area of knowledge where reason and logic often rule then arts could be seen as an area of knowledge where reason and logic isnt used as often and perception senses and emotion rule instead. Art is very personal and quite often requires a lot of imagination. It is also creative and a way to express oneself. Because of this art is emotional, it creates emotional reactions by viewers/listeners/readers and shows the feelings and personality of the artist himself. The artist often writes for example a poem about how the artist feels. Every poem is new and different and so the artist always has to start from scratch which requires intuition. You have to start somewhere and intuition helps to find the right way to go. Intuition in art is also when walking down a street and a melody starts forming in your head or the words to a poem. That is why people who write or compose a lot usually carry with them a small notebook so they can write down all the brilliant ideas that they suddenly come up with. Does art always require intuition and is art always emotional? When painting a portrait of someone or scenery the artist has a model that needs to be copied. This doesnt require imagination nor creativity as there is nothing to be invented or made up from scratch because there already is a correct answer, a model to follow. This then makes art reasonable and logical as all that is required of the artist is talent and technique to know how to copy something successfully. Therefore in some cases art does indeed lack intuition and emotion. This also applies when making decisions based on experience. For example if a song producer wants to add some extra flavour to his latest rap-song he knows that a few more yeahs! or increasing the base will do the trick then his decision is based on experience and not intuition. Our former Theory of Knowledge teacher told us that it is impossible for the human mind to create or think of something that doesnt already exist. This would then mean that we could literary not think outside the box as this would be beyond our brain capacity. If this is true then every form of art is an attempt to copy something that already exists which according to what was said earlier doesnt need intuition. Thus it could be said that there is in fact no place for intuition in art. The counter argument would be to say that even though the artist is trying to copy the feeling misery by writing a poem about it he needs a place to start and a way to express his feelings on the subject and to do this he needs his intuition. So that, when writing his poem on misery he would use intuition to find the right words for his poem.
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